Intake Process

At Coachella Valley Lighthouse, we make the enrollment process easy! We are here to help you every step of the way and answer any questions you have.

Step 1 – Referral: while some insurance plans or funding sources allow you to refer yourself to us, others require a referral from a case manager or a pediatrician. If you’re not sure about your insurance plan or funding source, give us a call and we’ll help you find out.

Step 2 – Case Assigned: once we have the referral, we’ll assign your case to a clinical case supervisor who will work with you through the assessment process.


Step 3 – Online Portal Access: we’ll send you access to your online portal. In your online portal, you can easily fill out the necessary forms and upload any information needed for treatment. As always, we’ll be there to guide you every step of the way.

Step 4 – Assessment Authorization: if your funding source or insurance plan didn’t already give us authorization to conduct an assessment of your child, we will reach out to them to request the authorization.

Step 5 - Assessment Completed: a clinical supervisor will complete the initial functional assessment with you. Once it is completed, we will make a clinical recommendation for treatment and request authorization to start providing ABA services. We will assign a treatment team and create a tentative treatment schedule while we wait for treatment authorization.


Step 6 - Treatment Authorization: we will contact you once we receive authorization to start treatment. We will confirm the schedule with both you and your treatment team.

Step 7 – Therapy Begins: we’re ready to start!

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